Best "Pasalubong" Ever
So mon BFF, (since kindergarten) Kelly, just got back from a trip to France. Beyond jelly. Well, she made up for it by bringing me some Macarons from Laduree! Number 24 on my bucketlist is to "Eat every flavor of Macaron at Laduree in Paris." Giving me Macarons from THE famous pastry shop (where it all began) is pretty much equivalent to bringing me diamonds from Tiffany's. Of course, it has to come in their signature boxes. ::hint hint:: I'm sounding super ungrateful right now, because it came in a measley, crumpled and greasy parchment bag. ahahaha jk (I love you.) They were yummy, regardless. Can't quite cross this one off yet, because I technically and physically have to be there eating every flavor. Someday.
Merci Beaucoup, Kelly!
P.S: Pasalubong is Tagalog for a souvenir or gift from one's travels.
