"Hi greggy I would just like to say that you are amazing!!! You have inspired me to be who I want to be. You have opened the door to the rest of my life, and I want to following your footsteps for the rest of my life. I want to grow up being a fun awesome, energetic person. I am only thirteen years old now and I just cannot wait until I grow up so I ca be like you. Thank you for making my life special:)
PS I reeeeeeeeally want you to be the next great baker. I thought your blue and white Christmas cake was friggin AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!:) and I lovvvve when you say " face palm" :D to me, greggy, you are bigger than Lady Gaga:) ( and this is coming from a huge Stephanie germotta a.k.a. Lady gaga fan;)
So greggy, I am rooting for you. Btw I even bought a team greggy t-shirt!!!!!!! :) bye, and have a great time on the next great baker:)
Sincerely Gwynneth Simmons:)
"Oh my gosh! I freaking love you!! You're so adorable! And I loveeee your glasses. I wanna steal them. You're my favorite person on Cake Boss! Every time we watch it, i'm like, "Oooh. There's my favorite dude. Team Greggy! :)" I swear, if you get eliminated I will cry. Like seriously! Keep being amazing, okay? Never lose your amazingness. Or your amazing sense of style. Or your adorable hair. Stay amazing. :) I gotta go watch the cake boss from last night. :) I hope you're not eliminated. Cause you're the best person on there. Kay. Gotta go. Bye. :) I LOVE YOU!
Jeanette Faulk
"Hi Greggy:
I think we were conversing on the R train headed toward
Brooklyn one day. You were with a young lady. If it was
you, I was so happy to see you obviously were here making
a dream come true. If it wasn't, you have a twin somewhere
in NYC! Nevertheless, I think you are going to win. I love
your personality and you are way-talented. I'm an art
teacher so I am qualified to make that statement! I think
you have a unique personality and talent that the world
needs. GOOD LUCK! -Helen West"
"I just wanted to tell Greggy how amazing and fabulous he was and I love him soooooo much! I watch u on the next great baker and i think u r the bestest baker in the competition by far! email me back and we can be pen pals, maybe even BFFs! that would be amazing! ur so faboo and i want u to know that ur 90% of the reason i wake up in the morning (the other 10% is because I have to pee!!) ;P
i love you,
btw i love u"
hey greggy i luv u soo much!!!!!!!!!!! ur a real inspration to everyone and everyone should learn from u. i allso like the words u create like fabo and stuff me and my friends cant stop saying them!i think it was a real mistake taking u off next great baker u have real talent. ur soo fabo!
shaelyn preston
Dear Greggy,
I love all of your work!!! i almost cried when you got kicked off of the next great baker!!!you are so hilarious and i LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!! i love your style, your sayings and what you call your cakes!! I remembered you from beauty and the geek when i saw you on the next great baker!!!! i love that video of u dancing to single ladies it was "Faboo"!!!!!! You are the coolest "Gaysian" ever and it would mean the world to me if you wrote back!!!!
Love You,
Avery Leigh
My name is Jessica (on facebook Im Kat Morrison.)
I've seen all the episodes of Next Great Baker and I was mortified to see you get kicked off. I was crying for like an hour. It made me so sad because you are an inspiration to me Greggy. I look up to you, not in a creepy fan girl way but in a legit way. Your cakes and pastries look amazing and your dream of opening your own bakery are the same as mine. Also your not afraid to show who you really are whether its on Next Great Baker or on You Tube (Btw I sooo want to go to Cookie Mill). You have fun with what you do and I admire that. You really stood out for me when I first saw the show and you always will stand out for me. I want to be just like you because to me you are AMAZING and FABOO. Dont change who you are because you are just amazing. I want to meet you in person some day. It would be amazing if you'd e-mail me back. I dont know if you will but if you would I'd be so happy. Dont give up on your dreams and be who you are.
Hearts and Kisses you you *Muah*
Your Biggest fan
Dear Greggy,
my name is Sarah Kramer and i am an inspiring young baker in training, a sophomore in high school, and who's dream is to go to culinary school and one day own my own bakery. I LOVE watching you on cake-boss: the next great baker! I am amazed with all of the cakes you make, but one in particular. On the first episode you were challenged to make a celebration cake, and you did your dream sweet sixteen cake. My jaw dropped as soon as I saw it! Like OMFreakingG!! I am having a sweet sixteen in May and it would be super amazing if i could have that cake at my party...well with my name instead.lol. but basically i am writing to you to ask you if i could have a picture or anything to hopefully find someone who could come close to making a cake that awesome, for my party. you are amazing and i hope you win ! (: Thanks a million !
"Hey Greggy!
I love you and your cakes on The Nex't Great Baker!!!!!!
You're amazing, and I know there's already a winner but I don't know who it is
-Mara Habash"
"hello greggy i saw you on T.V on cake boss: next great baker......and i think your amazing i like totes love you and im so happy i found your email (: hope you write back (:"
Hey Greggy!
Your passion for baking is very inspiring. I would love to see you win the title of Next Great Baker. You very much deserve it. I love how you incorporate your life into you cakes.
I can't wait to see you on the show more.
=D Madison Nesiba
I saw you on the Cake Boss show and decided your like the coolest person ever. EVER. So yeah. I love you!
Greggy. I like totally started to cry when you told of your dad! You are SOOO freaking amazing! Chau! Faboo!
we have been watching you on "next great baker" and think you wonderful on the show. keep up the great work, and keep being you!
Just want to say that I enjoy watching Greggy on the Next Great Baker. You are so fabulous and it is just great to finally see a Filipino contestant on TV. I also love your cakes they just rock!
Hi Greggy,
I auditioned to be on Next Great Baker and when I saw the people who were picked, I was miserably bummed out. I knew I was a better decorator than some of those people. And a better personality. I was unhappy with the cast... except for you. After the first episode, I was thinking wow...they just all need to shut up and give announce Greggy the winner. I mean for real.
I think I probably wasn't picked for the show because I just decorate cakes out of my apartment. It's my love though. And I could tell that it's totally your love too. You were a breath of fresh air on the show. I felt like we barely got to see you shine though. I thought you were being held back the whole time and when you went home... it was so not in your control, you did your best. I'm sure you know that.
You are just so damn fabulous!!!! Your airbrushing is amazing. The celebration cake you made was amazing. I was in love with it. I felt like out of everyone, you were the most professional, the most talented and had the best personality.
Honestly though, you deserve SO much better than Cake Boss. That show is all about the drama and hardly about cake. When I tried out for the show, I kept thinking it would be better to be on the show and get close to the end and walk away with the experience and the publicity than to actually get a job on that sad excuse for a cake show.
Greggy, I hope to hell I see your ass on a Food Network Challenge or on a TLC cake Challenge of some sort. It would really be your moment to shine and do you thing and I know you'd rock it.
I'm certain you're getting a huge out pour of letters from all over the place right now and mine isn't any more special than any other... but I just wanted to express my support for you. It makes me want to move home to Jersey and beg you for a job :)
I'm sort of just coming into my own when it comes to making cake, but watching you on the show, I feel like I was inspired. After the first time I watched you airbrush, I decided I had to have one. I put in an order and just got the thing this weekend. I can't wait to create. I can only hope to become as good as you.
I don't know if you have any advice for an aspiring home baker who is trying to make a name for themselves. I don't know if you even have time to read these emails yourself. I have a few months on you in age, but you have years on me in experience.
Ahhh I'm just so upset they put you out on your ass like that!
I know you're going to make your own way and show the world what a badass you are.
You do your thing and people will love you for you. Because... who couldn't love you?
I love you Greggy!
You're the best.
Keep up the good work and just know... you're BETTER than Carlos Bakery and working with those crazy ass people.
Much love
Tiffany Whitten
Hello~~I was writing to you today to tell you that I watched the episode where you made yourself a birthday cake. My daughter flipped out! She loved it so much! I wish I had the means and the money to bring you to Illinois and make that cake for my daughter's Sweet 16 Bday party. I understand about loosing your dad and everything, because we had a hard year ourselves. My husband has been laid off for the last 5 months, I had to have surgery on my hand, and I lost my best friend and grandmother this year. Anyway.....I didn't mean to depress you, but I did want to tell you that the cake ypu made for that episode was so amazing that if I did have money I would have you make me that exact cake for Amber's Sweet 16, with the only exception being that her name instead of yours be on it. Great Job!
Tammy Turner
Hi, i'm a french canadian girl ( quebec ), who watch the next great baker everyday. I know a lot of expression of greggy, face palm... etc , my reason for "e-mail" you, its only because i want you to know that you have a #1 fan
OMG! You got voted off??? How could Buddy do that!?! You are my favorite person ever from that show and you always will be, i screamed whenever i heard you got voted off, and i cried a little..i have 2 of your shirts and i love you..keep tweeting please
hello greggy i saw you on T.V on cake boss: next great baker......and i think your amazing i like totes love you and im so happy i found your email (: hope you write back (:
Shianne Magruder
Hi Greggy!!
I think ur like tots faboo and i like tots looooove you.
you are soooo funny and like almost my best friend
do you have facebook...can i have a cupcake like i'm just so jealous of you, i like uber tots wanna work wwith you
That's all i have to say,,
love you greggy!!!
stay awesome
Hi greggy
I loved watching you bake on tlc! YOu inspire me to become a baker someday.
My favorite cake that you have is the: bomb digity hug your baby daddy all night long amazing chocolate hazelnut cake!
You rock!
Keep baking!
Hello! My name is Beatrice and I love your cakes, your eyes, your mouth, your goatee, your voice, your hair! *-* I love ALL of you! You are gorgeous and I was very sorry of your leak at Next great baker.. Well, if I continue to talk
I can't stop, so I must say 'bye' to you..
P.S. YOU ARE THE BEST! So, go and be very famous!! :D
P.P.S. Excsuse me for spelling errors, but I'm Italian. :3
"Hi Greggy!
My daughter is going to be turning 10 years old in March. Her name is Summer Rayne and she truly is a joy to have in my life and I am just so proud of her!!
Sadly, I am going through a divorce & such (long story) and I know this has been super difficult for Summer. She doesn't say much, but I know this has turned her world upside down. I wanted so much more for my daughter and for her brothers. I never want Summer to think that she isn't important, or that her little brothers (because they are babies) always come first. I would give my children the world if I could and that is why I am writing you :)
Summer and I (both) had been watching you on The Next Great Baker & I have to tell you, that my daughter had the biggest smile on her face when you were on that show!! And that means so much to me, because it seems to have been awhile since she smiled that big.
She absolutely adores you Greggy!! She walks around talking like you at times (that cracks me up). She says "OMG", "Face-palm" etc. She even has the other girls at school learning your lingo!! The other night, she came downstairs with a pair of Greggy glasses (like yours) that she made.
Summer keeps telling me, that she would love for you to make her a cake for her 10th birthday and that she would give anything to meet you. That it would be her best gift ever and she put it on her wish list!!
So, that is why I am sending you this message & hoping you have a chance to read it over, consider it and make my little girl's wish come true. It would melt my heart to see her the happy Summer that I have always known her to be. Her actual birthday is March 20th, so I will be in the process of planning a party for, etc at some point in the near future.
Greggy, I know you are probably super busy these days, but if you could do this for my daughter, I would be ever so grateful!! She deserves only the best in life and seeing her be able to meet you & have a cake made by you, would be absolutely amazing for her :) Thanks so much.....
"Hi greggy I would just like to say that you are amazing!!! You have inspired me to be who I want to be. You have opened the door to the rest of my life, and I want to following your footsteps for the rest of my life. I want to grow up being a fun awesome, energetic person. I am only thirteen years old now and I just cannot wait until I grow up so I ca be like you. Thank you for making my life special:)
PS I reeeeeeeeally want you to be the next great baker. I thought your blue and white Christmas cake was friggin AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!:) and I lovvvve when you say " face palm" :D to me, greggy, you are bigger than Lady Gaga:) ( and this is coming from a huge Stephanie germotta a.k.a. Lady gaga fan;)
So greggy, I am rooting for you. Btw I even bought a team greggy t-shirt!!!!!!! :) bye, and have a great time on the next great baker:)
Sincerely Gwynneth Simmons:)
"Oh my gosh! I freaking love you!! You're so adorable! And I loveeee your glasses. I wanna steal them. You're my favorite person on Cake Boss! Every time we watch it, i'm like, "Oooh. There's my favorite dude. Team Greggy! :)" I swear, if you get eliminated I will cry. Like seriously! Keep being amazing, okay? Never lose your amazingness. Or your amazing sense of style. Or your adorable hair. Stay amazing. :) I gotta go watch the cake boss from last night. :) I hope you're not eliminated. Cause you're the best person on there. Kay. Gotta go. Bye. :) I LOVE YOU!
Jeanette Faulk
"Hi Greggy:
I think we were conversing on the R train headed toward
Brooklyn one day. You were with a young lady. If it was
you, I was so happy to see you obviously were here making
a dream come true. If it wasn't, you have a twin somewhere
in NYC! Nevertheless, I think you are going to win. I love
your personality and you are way-talented. I'm an art
teacher so I am qualified to make that statement! I think
you have a unique personality and talent that the world
needs. GOOD LUCK! -Helen West"
"I just wanted to tell Greggy how amazing and fabulous he was and I love him soooooo much! I watch u on the next great baker and i think u r the bestest baker in the competition by far! email me back and we can be pen pals, maybe even BFFs! that would be amazing! ur so faboo and i want u to know that ur 90% of the reason i wake up in the morning (the other 10% is because I have to pee!!) ;P
i love you,
btw i love u"
hey greggy i luv u soo much!!!!!!!!!!! ur a real inspration to everyone and everyone should learn from u. i allso like the words u create like fabo and stuff me and my friends cant stop saying them!i think it was a real mistake taking u off next great baker u have real talent. ur soo fabo!
shaelyn preston
Dear Greggy,
I love all of your work!!! i almost cried when you got kicked off of the next great baker!!!you are so hilarious and i LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!! i love your style, your sayings and what you call your cakes!! I remembered you from beauty and the geek when i saw you on the next great baker!!!! i love that video of u dancing to single ladies it was "Faboo"!!!!!! You are the coolest "Gaysian" ever and it would mean the world to me if you wrote back!!!!
Love You,
Avery Leigh
My name is Jessica (on facebook Im Kat Morrison.)
I've seen all the episodes of Next Great Baker and I was mortified to see you get kicked off. I was crying for like an hour. It made me so sad because you are an inspiration to me Greggy. I look up to you, not in a creepy fan girl way but in a legit way. Your cakes and pastries look amazing and your dream of opening your own bakery are the same as mine. Also your not afraid to show who you really are whether its on Next Great Baker or on You Tube (Btw I sooo want to go to Cookie Mill). You have fun with what you do and I admire that. You really stood out for me when I first saw the show and you always will stand out for me. I want to be just like you because to me you are AMAZING and FABOO. Dont change who you are because you are just amazing. I want to meet you in person some day. It would be amazing if you'd e-mail me back. I dont know if you will but if you would I'd be so happy. Dont give up on your dreams and be who you are.
Hearts and Kisses you you *Muah*
Your Biggest fan
Dear Greggy,
my name is Sarah Kramer and i am an inspiring young baker in training, a sophomore in high school, and who's dream is to go to culinary school and one day own my own bakery. I LOVE watching you on cake-boss: the next great baker! I am amazed with all of the cakes you make, but one in particular. On the first episode you were challenged to make a celebration cake, and you did your dream sweet sixteen cake. My jaw dropped as soon as I saw it! Like OMFreakingG!! I am having a sweet sixteen in May and it would be super amazing if i could have that cake at my party...well with my name instead.lol. but basically i am writing to you to ask you if i could have a picture or anything to hopefully find someone who could come close to making a cake that awesome, for my party. you are amazing and i hope you win ! (: Thanks a million !
"Hey Greggy!
I love you and your cakes on The Nex't Great Baker!!!!!!
You're amazing, and I know there's already a winner but I don't know who it is
-Mara Habash"
"hello greggy i saw you on T.V on cake boss: next great baker......and i think your amazing i like totes love you and im so happy i found your email (: hope you write back (:"
Hey Greggy!
Your passion for baking is very inspiring. I would love to see you win the title of Next Great Baker. You very much deserve it. I love how you incorporate your life into you cakes.
I can't wait to see you on the show more.
=D Madison Nesiba
I saw you on the Cake Boss show and decided your like the coolest person ever. EVER. So yeah. I love you!
Greggy. I like totally started to cry when you told of your dad! You are SOOO freaking amazing! Chau! Faboo!
we have been watching you on "next great baker" and think you wonderful on the show. keep up the great work, and keep being you!
Just want to say that I enjoy watching Greggy on the Next Great Baker. You are so fabulous and it is just great to finally see a Filipino contestant on TV. I also love your cakes they just rock!
Hi greggy
I loved watching you bake on tlc! YOu inspire me to become a baker someday.
My favorite cake that you have is the: bomb digity hug your baby daddy all night long amazing chocolate hazelnut cake!
You rock!
Keep baking!
Hello! My name is Beatrice and I love your cakes, your eyes, your mouth, your goatee, your voice, your hair! *-* I love ALL of you! You are gorgeous and I was very sorry of your leak at Next great baker.. Well, if I continue to talk
I can't stop, so I must say 'bye' to you..
P.S. YOU ARE THE BEST! So, go and be very famous!! :D
P.P.S. Excsuse me for spelling errors, but I'm Italian. :3
"Hi Greggy!
My daughter is going to be turning 10 years old in March. Her name is Summer Rayne and she truly is a joy to have in my life and I am just so proud of her!!
Sadly, I am going through a divorce & such (long story) and I know this has been super difficult for Summer. She doesn't say much, but I know this has turned her world upside down. I wanted so much more for my daughter and for her brothers. I never want Summer to think that she isn't important, or that her little brothers (because they are babies) always come first. I would give my children the world if I could and that is why I am writing you :)
Summer and I (both) had been watching you on The Next Great Baker & I have to tell you, that my daughter had the biggest smile on her face when you were on that show!! And that means so much to me, because it seems to have been awhile since she smiled that big.
She absolutely adores you Greggy!! She walks around talking like you at times (that cracks me up). She says "OMG", "Face-palm" etc. She even has the other girls at school learning your lingo!! The other night, she came downstairs with a pair of Greggy glasses (like yours) that she made.
Summer keeps telling me, that she would love for you to make her a cake for her 10th birthday and that she would give anything to meet you. That it would be her best gift ever and she put it on her wish list!!
So, that is why I am sending you this message & hoping you have a chance to read it over, consider it and make my little girl's wish come true. It would melt my heart to see her the happy Summer that I have always known her to be. Her actual birthday is March 20th, so I will be in the process of planning a party for, etc at some point in the near future.
Greggy, I know you are probably super busy these days, but if you could do this for my daughter, I would be ever so grateful!! She deserves only the best in life and seeing her be able to meet you & have a cake made by you, would be absolutely amazing for her :) Thanks so much.....